Tabby cat acting like a mountain lion?

Did you know that your adorable little kitty has the same natural predatory drive and instinct as his 800lb counterpart, the Bengal Tiger? Ok, maybe not exactly.. but you get the point.

The domestic cats we are lucky to enjoy today are not so removed from the wild as we might like to believe. In fact, the #1 reason for scratching, marking, meow-ing at times they shouldn’t and more? Lack of mental stimulation. It is VITAL to give your kitty toys, puzzles, attention and exercise every single day, or you may end up losing that security deposit.

Luckily we have you covered here with a cheap, fun and hilarious to watch toy from KONG – the Eight Track Cat Toy. Check it out here below and get one ordered ASAP, your kitty (and your carpet) will thank you for it.

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